名字是什么 Top 10 加拿大 PVC 导管制造商?不同的人有不同的答案。这就是我们在这篇文章中讨论这个问题的原因。
使用 PVC 导管的用途是什么?
PVC 导管因其耐用性、多功能性和成本效益而成为电气安装的热门选择。在加拿大,有许多制造商和供应商提供 高品质 PVC 导管产品 以满足住宅、商业和工业项目的各种需求。本文探讨了加拿大十大 PVC 导管制造商和供应商,重点介绍了他们的专业知识、产品供应以及提供可靠电气导管解决方案的承诺。
加拿大十大 PVC 导管制造商和供应商
IPEX 电气公司
IPEX Inc. 是热塑性管道系统和解决方案的领先制造商和供应商,包括 加拿大 PVC 导管凭借悠久的历史和强大的市场影响力,IPEX 已成为业界值得信赖的品牌。
加拿大十大 PVC 导管制造商和供应商
IPEX 在北卡罗来纳州拥有五家制造工厂和三个配送中心。这些工厂位于战略位置,以确保高效生产和分销产品。这些工厂的具体位置可能有所不同,最好参考 IPEX 的官方网站或直接联系他们以获取最新信息。
IPEX 与三家分销商合作,确保其产品广泛供应。这些分销商在覆盖加拿大各地客户和提供高效的产品分销方面发挥着至关重要的作用。

IPEX 提供全面的产品系列,包括电气、微型、管道和机械、工业管道、水井和泵、灌溉和电气解决方案等。
其中包括 PVC 导管和配件以及其他热塑性管道系统。其 PVC 导管产品旨在为住宅、商业和工业应用中的电线提供可靠的保护和布线解决方案。IPEX 的导管产品包括硬质 PVC 导管、电气非金属管 (ENT) 以及接头、弯头和连接器等配件。
作为加拿大领先的 PVC 导管制造商和供应商之一,IPEX 拥有巨大的市场份额。该公司对质量的承诺、广泛的产品范围和全国分销网络使其在加拿大市场占据了强大的地位。他们以提供可靠和创新的导管解决方案而闻名,使其成为电气专业人士和承包商的首选。
Atkore International 成立于 1959 年,总部位于美国伊利诺伊州哈维。在加拿大市场也占有重要地位。该公司历史悠久,多年来通过战略收购和产品扩张不断发展壮大。Atkore 致力于提供满足行业不断发展的需求的创新解决方案。
Atkore International 是提供各种电气产品和解决方案的全球领导者,在全球拥有约 47 个制造工厂。
Atkore International 在全球拥有众多制造工厂。这些工厂位于战略位置,以确保高效生产和及时交付产品。这些工厂的具体位置可能有所不同,建议参考 Atkore 的官方网站或直接联系他们以获取有关其制造地点的具体信息。

- 导管解决方案: Atkore 提供全面的导管解决方案,包括 PVC、HDPE、钢、玻璃纤维和特种导管。这些导管为各种应用中的电线提供可靠的保护和布线。Atkore 的导管产品设计符合行业标准,并提供不同的尺寸和配置以满足特定的项目要求。
- 铠装电缆: Atkore 提供铠装电缆,可在严苛环境下为电线提供增强保护。这些电缆通常用于需要额外耐用性和抗物理损坏性的工业环境、商业建筑和基础设施项目。
- 电缆管理系统: Atkore 提供电缆管理解决方案,包括电缆托盘、线槽和支架,用于整理和固定电缆。这些系统可确保高效的电缆布线、管理和保护,有助于提高电气设备的整体安全性和功能性。
- 紧固件: Atkore 提供一系列紧固件,包括带子、夹具、吊架和锚固件,这些紧固件对于牢固安装电气元件和设备至关重要。这些紧固件旨在承受各种环境条件并提供可靠的支撑。
- 安全与安保产品: Atkore 提供安全产品,例如导管配件、接线盒、外壳和接地解决方案。这些产品可确保符合安全法规,并有助于提高电气系统的整体可靠性和完整性。
- 框架系统: Atkore 提供支持电气元件、设备和基础设施安装的框架系统。这些系统包括金属框架槽、支架和配件,可在各种建筑项目中提供多功能性和易于安装性。
Atkore International 提供一系列支持资源来协助电气行业专业人士。这些资源包括:
- Atkore 大学:在线培训平台,提供与 Atkore 产品和解决方案相关的课程和认证。
- Atkore 虚拟解决方案中心:一个 3D 应用环境,允许用户在虚拟环境中探索和可视化 Atkore 的产品。
- 移动展厅:现场演示和培训设施,将产品演示和专业知识直接带到工作现场。
- Atkore BIM Tool Bar plugin for Revit:一种建筑信息模型 (BIM) 工具,可将 Atkore 的产品数据和规格集成到 Revit 软件中,从而实现准确的设计和建模。
Atkore International 在加拿大拥有重要的市场占有率,提供各种电气配线系统和机械产品。其在质量、创新和客户服务方面的声誉帮助他们在加拿大市场站稳了脚跟。Atkore 的产品深受电气、建筑和机械行业专业人士的信赖。
Atkore 的子公司 Allied Tube & Conduit® 是业内领先的制造商,以其创新的解决方案和卓越的产品而闻名。他们率先开发了在线镀锌工艺,该工艺可确保电气金属管 (EMT)、中间金属导管 (IMC) 和刚性导管的顶级产品质量。
Allied Tube & Conduit® 专注于制造卓越性,提供包括钢、PVC 和铝导管在内的各种产品,以及机械、安全和交通解决方案。其产品组合旨在满足专业人士面临的各种应用挑战,提供节省时间和成本的优势。
Allied Tube & Conduit® 的管材产品经过精心设计,可提供最佳性能。它们以卓越的强度、可成形性和防腐性而闻名,超越了预镀锌和热镀锌等竞争产品。这确保了持久的耐用性和可靠性。
Allied Tube & Conduit® 的著名产品:

电气金属管(EMT)及配件: EMT 专为电线应用而设计,提供可靠的保护和简单的安装。Allied Tube & Conduit® 提供一系列兼容配件来补充其 EMT 产品。
中间金属导管(IMC)及配件: IMC 是一种用途广泛的导管选项,广泛应用于电气安装。Allied Tube & Conduit® 提供 IMC 解决方案以及兼容的配件和附件。
PVC 涂层导管及配件: 对于需要额外防潮和防腐蚀环境保护的应用,Allied Tube & Conduit® 提供 PVC 涂层导管,确保更高的耐用性和使用寿命。
Gatorshield® 菱形背纹压花管: 这种独特纹理的管道具有增强的抓握能力,使其适用于必须牢固固定的应用。
Flo-Coat® 直列镀锌钢管: 该管道采用先进的加工技术制造,具有卓越的防腐性能和耐用性。
Gatorshield® 镀锌钢管: Allied Tube & Conduit® 通过添加 50% 西方级纯锌增强了传统的镀锌工艺,从而提高了耐腐蚀性。
Gatorshield® Plus 镀锌钢管: 该管道专为在苛刻的环境中使用而设计,具有出色的防腐保护,非常适合恶劣条件。
Square-Fit®钢管: 这种伸缩方形机械管用途广泛且经济高效,适用于需要强度和多功能性的各种应用。
Tectron 机械钢管:该钢管广泛应用于办公家具、自助餐厅桌子、全地形车和割草机等产品,具有可靠的性能和耐用性。
Telespar® 交通产品: Allied Tube & Conduit® 以 Telespar® 品牌提供全系列交通标志支持产品,确保可靠高效的交通管理解决方案。
在加拿大市场,Atkore International 及其子公司 Allied Tube & Conduit 拥有相当大的市场份额和良好的声誉。他们的产品受到电气和机械行业专业人士的好评。该公司对质量、创新和客户服务的承诺为其在加拿大的成功和认可做出了贡献。
Anamet 加拿大公司
Anamet Canada Inc. 是一家专门为各个行业制造和分销柔性导管系统的公司。以下是有关 Anamet Canada Inc. 的详细信息,包括其背景、分支机构、工厂、产品范围、产品线和在加拿大的市场份额:
Anamet Canada Inc. 是 Anamet Inc. 的子公司,后者是柔性导管系统设计、制造和供应领域的全球领导者。Anamet 拥有数十年的历史,以其高品质的产品和创新的解决方案建立了良好的声誉。

Anamet Canada Inc. 提供全面的柔性导管系统,适用于各种应用。其产品范围包括:
Anaconda Sealtite® 导管系统:这些是防水柔性导管,旨在保护电线免受湿气、化学物质和其他环境因素的影响。它们有多种材质可供选择,例如镀锌钢、不锈钢和非金属材质。
Anaconda Corrlok® 导管系统:这些是波纹状非金属柔性导管,适用于需要灵活性和坚固性的应用。它们为具有挑战性的环境中布线提供出色的保护。
Anaconda FLEXAquick® 连接器:这些是快速连接配件和连接器,设计用于 Anaconda Sealtite® 和 Corrlok® 导管。它们提供安全高效的连接,减少安装时间和精力。
Anamet Canada Inc. 在加拿大柔性导管系统领域占据了相当大的市场份额。他们的优质产品、可靠的性能和对客户满意度的承诺为其成功做出了贡献。该公司的柔性导管系统被电气、汽车、工业和建筑等行业的专业人士广泛使用。
PVC 工业产品有限公司
PVC Industrial Products Ltd. 是一家专门分销和供应 PVC(聚氯乙烯)和 CPVC(氯化聚氯乙烯)工业管道系统及相关产品的公司。以下是有关 PVC Industrial Products Ltd. 的详细信息,包括其背景、产品范围、服务和市场地位:
PVC Industrial Products Ltd. 多年来一直服务于工业领域,提供高品质的 PVC 和 CPVC 管道解决方案。该公司凭借其在该领域的专业知识以及致力于为客户提供可靠耐用的产品而建立了良好的声誉。
PVC Industrial Products Ltd. 提供全面的 PVC 和 CPVC 工业管道系统及相关产品。其产品范围包括:
PVC 管道和配件: 该公司供应各种工业用 PVC 管道和配件。这些产品有各种尺寸、压力等级和配置,可满足不同行业的特定要求。
CPVC管道和配件: PVC Industrial Products Ltd. 还提供 CPVC 管道和配件,专为需要更高耐高温和化学兼容性的应用而设计。
阀门和控制装置: 该公司提供一系列阀门和控制装置,包括球阀、蝶阀、止回阀和其他控制装置。这些产品对于调节和控制工业系统中的流体流动至关重要。
装配式系统: PVC Industrial Products Ltd. 提供定制装配系统,包括预装配管道系统、歧管系统和滑轨安装系统。这些装配式解决方案有助于简化安装并提高效率。
除了提供产品外,PVC Industrial Products Ltd. 还提供各种服务来支持其客户。这些服务可能包括:
技术支援: 该公司提供技术援助和指导,帮助客户为其特定应用选择正确的管道解决方案。他们在系统设计、材料选择和安装建议方面提供专业知识。
定制制造: PVC Industrial Products Ltd. 有能力提供定制制造服务,以满足独特的项目要求。他们可以根据客户要求定制解决方案。

PVC Industrial Products Ltd. 在工业管道市场占有重要地位。该公司以供应高品质 PVC 和 CPVC 产品而享有盛誉,并致力于提高客户满意度,这些都为其成功做出了贡献。该公司服务于众多行业,包括化学加工、水处理、制造和建筑。
National Plastic Technologies (NPT) 成立于加拿大,现已成为 PVC 导管行业的知名制造商。NPT 专注于电气应用,以提供高品质 PVC 导管解决方案而闻名。
NPT 提供各种 PVC 导管产品,旨在满足各种电气安装的需求。其产品线包括:
PVC 电气导管: NPT 制造不同尺寸和类型的 PVC 导管,包括硬质 PVC 导管和柔性 PVC 导管。这些导管旨在为住宅、商业和工业环境中的电线提供保护和布线。
PVC 导管配件及附件: 除了导管,NPT 还提供一系列配件和附件来补充其 PVC 导管系统。这些配件和附件包括连接器、联轴器、弯头、适配器等,确保安装完整且安全。
NPT 在加拿大 PVC 导管市场占有重要地位。他们向全国各地的各个行业、电气承包商和分销商供应产品。虽然具体的市场份额信息可能不容易获得,但 NPT 被公认为一家信誉良好的制造商,在加拿大 PVC 导管市场占有重要地位。
National Pipe & Plastics Inc. 是一家实力雄厚的老牌公司,在 PVC 管道行业占有重要地位。他们在提供高质量管道解决方案方面拥有良好的业绩记录,并以其专业知识和对客户满意度的承诺而享有盛誉。
National Pipe & Plastics 提供全面的 PVC 管道产品,旨在满足各种需求。其产品线包括:
PVC压力管: National Pipe & Plastics 公司生产的 PVC 压力管专为承受高压应用而设计。这些管道通常用于配水系统、灌溉、工业流程和其他需要输送加压流体的应用。
PVC 下水道和排水管: 该公司生产专为下水道和排水系统设计的 PVC 管道。这些管道经过精心设计,可有效输送废水、雨水和其他排水液体。它们广泛用于住宅、商业和市政下水道应用。
PVC 导管: National Pipe & Plastics 提供 PVC 导管,为电线提供保护和布线。这些管道用于各种电气安装,包括住宅、商业和工业项目。它们确保建筑物内电线的安全有序分布。

National Pipe & Plastics Inc. 在加拿大的 PVC 管道产品市场占有重要地位。其可靠耐用的管道解决方案广泛应用于全国各地的建筑项目、基础设施开发、管道安装和其他各种应用。虽然具体的市场份额信息可能不容易获得,但 National Pipe & Plastics 在加拿大 PVC 管道行业占有重要地位。
Westlake Canada, Inc. 是总部位于美国的跨国公司 Westlake Chemical Corporation 的子公司。Westlake Chemical Corporation 在化学和塑料行业占有重要地位,并以其对创新、质量和可持续性的承诺而闻名。
Westlake Canada, Inc. 提供多种产品,满足各种行业和应用的需求。其产品线包括:
PVC树脂: Westlake Canada 生产高品质聚氯乙烯 (PVC) 树脂。这些树脂用于制造各种产品,包括管道、配件、型材、薄膜、板材和包装材料。Westlake 的 PVC 树脂以其始终如一的质量、性能和可靠性而闻名。
建筑材料: Westlake Canada 供应 PVC 基建筑材料,包括窗户、门和壁板产品。这些建筑材料具有耐用性、节能、低维护和美观等特点。它们广泛应用于住宅、商业和工业建筑项目。

Westlake Canada, Inc. 在加拿大化学和塑料行业占有重要地位。其竞争优势包括:
高品质产品: Westlake Canada 因致力于生产高品质 PVC 树脂和建筑材料而闻名。其产品符合严格的质量标准,确保可靠性和客户满意度。
Diverse Product Portfolio: With a wide range of PVC-based products, Westlake Canada caters to various industries and applications. This diversity enables them to serve different customer needs and strengthens their market position.
Strong Distribution Network: Westlake Canada has established a robust distribution network in Canada, ensuring efficient and timely product delivery to customers across the country. This network enhances their market reach and customer service capabilities.
Focus on Sustainability: Westlake Chemical Corporation, including its subsidiary in Canada, emphasizes sustainability in its operations. They strive to minimize environmental impact, promote recycling initiatives, and develop sustainable solutions within the chemical and plastic industry.
ABB Electrification Canada Inc.
ABB Electrification Canada Inc. operates as a subsidiary of ABB, a multinational corporation headquartered in Switzerland. ABB has a strong presence in the global market and is widely recognized for its expertise in delivering advanced electrical and automation technologies.
ABB Electrification Canada Inc. offers a comprehensive range of electrical products and solutions for various applications. Their product portfolio includes, but is not limited to:
Conduits and Fittings Systems: ABB provides a wide range of conduits, fittings, and accessories designed for the protection and routing of electrical wiring. These systems ensure the safe and organized installation of electrical infrastructure in residential, commercial, and industrial settings.
Boxes and Covers: ABB offers electrical boxes and covers that provide housing and protection for electrical connections and devices. These products are available in various sizes and configurations to accommodate different installation requirements.
Power Connections and Grounding: ABB provides power connection solutions, including connectors, terminals, and grounding products, which facilitate safe and reliable electrical connections in various applications.
T&B Cable Tray Systems: ABB offers T&B cable tray systems, which provide support and routing for electrical cables in commercial and industrial environments. These systems are designed for ease of installation and flexibility in cable management.
Power and High Voltage: ABB specializes in power distribution and high voltage solutions, including switchgear, transformers, and substations. These products are designed to ensure efficient and reliable power transmission and distribution in utility and industrial settings.

ABB Electrification Canada Inc. has a significant market presence in Canada’s electrical industry. The company’s competitive advantages include:
Extensive Product Range: ABB Electrification Canada offers a comprehensive portfolio of electrical products and solutions, catering to diverse applications and industry sectors. This wide range allows them to meet the specific needs of customers across various projects and installations.
Industry Expertise and Innovation: ABB has a long-standing reputation for its expertise and innovation in the field of electrification. The company’s solutions are built on advanced technologies and engineering excellence, providing customers with reliable and cutting-edge electrical products.
Strong Customer Support: ABB Electrification Canada is committed to providing excellent customer support. They offer technical assistance, training programs, and project-specific solutions to ensure customer satisfaction throughout the project lifecycle.
Sustainability Focus: ABB emphasizes sustainability in its operations and solutions. The company strives to develop energy-efficient products, promote renewable energy integration, and support customers in achieving their sustainability goals.
ABB Electrification Canada Inc. has established itself as a trusted provider of electrical solutions in the Canadian market, serving a wide range of industries, including construction, infrastructure, utilities, and manufacturing.
Prime Conduit Inc.
Prime Conduit Inc. is a reputable company with a strong presence in the electrical industry. They specialize in the manufacture of conduit and fitting systems that provide secure and reliable protection for electrical wiring in diverse applications. The company is committed to delivering innovative solutions and maintaining the highest standards of quality.
Prime Conduit Inc. offers an extensive range of conduit and fitting systems designed to meet the diverse needs of their customers. Their product portfolio includes:
Rigid Conduit: Prime Conduit manufactures rigid conduit systems, which are used for the protection and routing of electrical wiring in industrial, commercial, and residential settings. These systems are known for their durability, strength, and resistance to impact and corrosion.
PVC 导管: Prime Conduit produces PVC conduit systems that provide excellent protection for electrical cables in various applications. PVC conduit is lightweight, easy to install, and offers good chemical resistance, making it a popular choice among installers.
HDPE Conduit: Prime Conduit offers high-density polyethylene (HDPE) conduit systems, which are suitable for both underground and aboveground installations. HDPE conduit provides exceptional durability, flexibility, and resistance to environmental factors such as moisture, UV rays, and chemicals.
Fittings and Accessories: Prime Conduit supplies a wide range of fittings and accessories that complement their conduit systems. These include couplings, elbows, connectors, outlet boxes, and more, ensuring a complete solution for electrical installations.
Prime Conduit Inc. has established a strong foothold in the Canadian market for conduit and fitting systems. They have successfully built a reputation for providing high-quality products and reliable solutions for electrical installations. The company has formed strategic partnerships with distributors, contractors, and end-users across Canada, ensuring wide availability and accessibility of their products.
Customer Base:
Prime Conduit Inc. serves a diverse customer base in both USA and Canada, including contractors, electricians, engineers, and professionals in various industries such as construction, infrastructure, utilities, and telecommunications. Their extensive product range caters to the needs of different sectors, allowing them to effectively meet the requirements of their customers.
Market Share:
While specific market share data may not be readily available, Prime Conduit Inc. is considered a trusted and preferred choice among professionals in the electrical industry in Canada. Their quality products, extensive product range, and commitment to customer satisfaction have contributed to their market presence and growth.

Ledes is a leading manufacturer specializing in electrical conduit products. With over 14 years of expertise in the electrical industry, Ledes has gained wide recognition in the industry.

Ledes provides a wide range of electrical conduit, such as Schedule 40 & 80 rigid PVC conduit, Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing, DB duct, solar use conduit, Low Smoke Halogen Free conduit. Ledes offers also a fittings including couplings, elbows, bends, adapters, junctions, outlet boxes, and adaptable boxes etc.
All products are certified to UL, CSA, AS/NZS, IEC, CE and other standards, meet the industry safety requirements, providing a safe and reliable protection for electrical wiring.
With high quality guarantted, Ledes’ conduit products have been widely used in many large-scale projects worldwide. Some well-known projects include the CHPE Power Project in US, Connecticut Apartment Project, Melbourne Metro Tunnel project, A.B.Brown Station Project, ASB 2.6GW project in Saudi Arabia, the PV2 photovoltaic project in ABU Dhabi, and Macau Island Hospital project etc. Our products and brands have been recognized by customers and the market.
We provide comprehensive services to meet our customers’ needs, including:
Customization: Tailoring conduit solutions to specific project requirements
技术支援: Offering expertise and guidance on conduit selection and installation
Logistics: Ensuring efficient and timely delivery of products
After-Sales Support: Addressing customer inquiries and providing assistance post-purchase
At Ledes, we are committed to delivering high-quality electrical conduit solutions that meet industry standards and customer expectations. With our extensive product range, certifications, diverse applications, and dedicated services, we strive to be a trusted partner for electrical professionals worldwide.
In conclusion, PVC electrical conduit plays a vital role in ensuring electrical safety during system installations. The aforementioned manufacturers and suppliers represent some of the renowned names in the Canadian market. However, there are numerous other companies that also enjoy recognition and market share in Canada. For instance, Ledes is a specialized manufacturer of electrical conduits, and there are several other local companies with their own strengths and advantages.
When choosing a PVC conduit manufacturer or supplier, it is important to consider individual requirements and preferences. Factors such as product quality, reliability, industry expertise, technical support, and distribution capabilities should be taken into account. By evaluating these aspects, customers can make informed decisions and select the most suitable manufacturer or supplier for your specific needs.
If you still have any questions, you can contact us by contact form 或者 send an email now for more details.